I first saw the angel carved in amber, inside an oval locket two or three years ago. It was being sold by a vendor at the Brattleboro Farmer's Market. I loved it, but it cost too much.
I held it and admired it but put it down.
Then I couldn't stop thinking about it.
I mentioned to my mother, who said, "Well, maybe, if you need it; you should get it."
I decided she was right!
I went back to the vendor and the locket was long gone. I begged the woman to find another one.
She said they were difficult to come by, but she would do her best.
I never heard from her.
I googled every possible descriptive combination to find it on-line and I couldn't. I just couldn't. It wasn't out there.
Tonight, after a few years had gone by, I remembered that my mother was asking me what I wanted for my birthday. I have no idea.
Then I thought of the angel carved into amber, hidden in an egg shaped locket. I googled
Amber angel locket and started looking again.
There it was!!
I ordered it from a site that seemed a little disorganized and confusing.
The next morning I thought, "Hmmm I hope that was a real site....." I was less worried about my credit card being stolen and more worried they wouldn't send me my angel.
I called the phone number on the website and there was no message, just a beep.
Uh oh.
I looked at my card history Monday morning and it hadn't been charged yet.
Then an email arrived from a polite woman telling me it was on its way.
Today it arrived!
The girls helped me open it.
It is so lovely.
I can't believe I finally found it!
My mother is giving it to me for birthday and Christmas combined.
I can't wait to wear it.
It is even more beautiful than I remember it.
It will be my lucky angel.