Sunday, May 16, 2010

Human Pendulm

The other morning we went to Brattleboro so Rob could get his coffee. The monthly WISDOM magazine was available in a pile on the floor of the coffee shop. I tend to look it over and see if there is anything interesting. I was trying to figure out if I should bother reading through the magazine when Rob said he'd take the kids to Sam's and look for on-sale sneakers, while I cleaned up our spot and ran to the bathroom

I took the magazine into the bathroom and did the pendulum technique that Noelle showed me. (During our reading I had asked her how to follow my inner intuition if my logical head always gets in the way and starts bossing.
She said a helpful thing to do can be to stand up and take a moment to be quiet and then ask yourself what a No feels like in your body and feel that and note it and then ask yourself what a Yes feels like. Go back and forth and get familiar with the feeling of each. Like other muscle testing or using a pendulum, you are tuning in to your own knowing. It is not a way to tell the future but it is an interesting way to listen to the quiet part of yourself that your logical brain might over-ride. During the reading Noelle said that if I follow by body's Yes I will be moving in line with my soul.
I had also been reading about this approach in the December Oprah magazine where Martha Beck was using muscle testing and had this to say:
"One of the things that changed my mind about timing was the recent book How We Decide, by Jonah Lehrer. The calculating part of the human brain, Lehrer writes, "is like a computer operating system that was rushed to market." It's slow, clunky, prone to errors—at least compared with the brain region associated with emotions. This highly developed area "has been exquisitely refined by it can make fast decisions based on very little information."

I've been using the Yes/No method alot over the last few weeks and have found it really really interesting. When my friend asked if I wanted to Emcee that party, I didn't think about it, instead I asked my intuition and it said Yes. Then I didn't get too nervous, because I knew I was meant to do it.
Sometimes I am surprised by the answer, like when I had a precious Monday between a children's-vacation-Monday and a jury-duty-Monday and I was going to maybe finally accomplish creating a comprehensive photo album for 2009 but instead Rob surprised me and took the day off work to hang out. I was so unfairly annoyed! I had things to do!
I asked my intuition if I should complete my momentous task or hang with my husband?
It chose husband!
I was surprised!
We had a nice day.

So I took that Wisdom magazine into the bathroom with me and I asked my body if I should look through it. My body said Yes.

There was an add for cranial sacral therapy that had appealed to me when I had flipped through the magazine and an article on homeopathics, so I went to those assuming I should read them. I asked, before I sat down to pee, "Is this what I am supposed to read?" and my body said No.

Well! I was surprised, how would I "know" what I should read without having looked at the magazine before? So, instead of peeing (I really can't do this technique sitting down) I turned each page of the magazine and asked, This page?" No "This page?" No. This went on until the end of the magazine where the classifieds were listed. There was some fear that my body would tell me to go to some guy in a suit holding his chin and looking intensely at the camera or the smiling blond woman offering me a colon cleanse

I finally got a Yes on a page filled with little ads. Then I went over each ad getting a "no no no no no no no no"
until I got a "YES" toward the bottom of the page.
I finally sat down to pee and read the ad with trepidation,

"Shamanic Drumming Circle
founded 1993. Usually second and fourth Fridays of every month, 7:00pm. Quaker meeting-house, Cambridge MA. Open to all, instruction available.
That sounded interesting and not too scary.

I came home and looked up the website and I like it. It seems open and practical and one of the two books they recommend is sitting beside my bed right now half-read.
Exciting. Now I just have to get there.
We'll see how that works itself out.

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