Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Trip to Maine started with a stop

in Andover, where my parents live, for an evening visit and sleepover. My mom works in a bookstore and has tons of books. I found The Writing Diet by Julia Cameron. It looks like an interesting combination of two things I do alot of, so I’ll bring it on the trip. We took a walk in the swamp behind my parent’s house that leads out to a field where I played as a kid.

8am Saturday morning we headed out. Stopping in Biddeford Pool to see some friends and experience me pacing about the beach nervously because the lifeguard told us there was a rip tide. Children couldn’t go above their knees or the might be pulled out and under the waves. Holy crap! Luckily there were tide pools and ice cream trucks.

Now were here and it’s cold and rainy. We’re making lots of hot chocolate and sitting by the propane stove that’s in the house where Rob’s brother, wife, his sister and the three cousins are staying.

Yesterday we had a rainy walk to the library, which looks like an enchanted place, but smells like a moldy basement, Rob walked in and then came flying out as if the place had spat him out, coughing and rubbing his red eyes.

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