Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pleasure Camp!

I got an email from a great health coach on Monday. Her name is Jenna la Flamme and she gives online lectures and webinars focusing on listening to your body and allowing eating to be motivated by pleasure. Here's her blog:

Here's the email she sent to her list:

"I was thinking about what I could do to blow your mind. And I decided to offer one full scholarship to Pleasure Camp this weekend. It’s simple to enter. Just write a short paragraph explaining:
1. Why you want to come to Pleasure Camp
2. Why you should win the scholarship
Just hit reply to this email. I’ll pick one winner, who will attend PleasureCamp on me.
Go ahead. Imagine basking in the glow of multiple, sincere compliments about how good you look this holiday season. That’s a known “side effect”of Pleasure Camp.
I can’t wait to read your email. Good luck.
Love,xo Jena

After a dog walk where I brainstormed a letter, I sent it out.

On Nov 7, 2011, at 11:42 AM, K Harris wrote:

Hi Jenna,
My husband looked at me with amusement and concern yesterday and correctly stated, "You need a vacation!" because I was on the verge of tears. I had forgotten about daylight savings TWICE in one day and was apologizing to my mother for crashing past her out the door when she Finally arrived (actually she was right on time. Uggh!) Balancing life being a mom to two lovely girls, managing a not quite so lovely but still lovable naughty one year old mutt, being a loving wife and working three different jobs as a nurse to coordinate with everyone else's schedule has pushed me to the verge of crazy. I know what I need to do to take care of myself but I just don't have (haven't made?) the time to create it and it breaks my heart.

I have realized that sugar makes me feel terrible and I just discovered I have a gluten sensitivity (oh that's why my stomach sticks out all uneven like that after I eat bread!) and I am so overwhelmed with the changes I have to make in my life, my family's life and my diet I want to cry.
It is the first weekend I'm not working in forever and my husband is on board to give me whatever I need to recharge and come back renewed-That in itself is a miracle and makes me think this pleasure camp offer is for me!
I am on the verge of (hopefully) expanding my herbal potions and products business, stepping out as an energy healer (using Reiki and Emotrance and aromatherapy) and I need some sassy healthy living learned from a pleasure weekend to support the whole shift and the people I hope to assist in their healing!
See my etsy
See my blog

I hope to see you soon!Thanks for the offer, Jenna. It is very generous of you. If I don't make it; I hope it is a magical healing weekend for you all.
Love and blessings, Katherine Harris

Here's what I got at work the next day!!

Hi Katherine,
Thanks for your application, you are the winner!!
I'd like to offer you a full scholarship to Pleasure Camp.What's not included is your travel and accommodation costs so please confirm that you are equipped to take care of those and therefore able to accept the scholarship.I can't wait to meet you and was really touched by what you had to share in your application, thank you. Drop us a note back as soon as you get this and we'll get you officially registered if everything lines up for you.
With love and excitement,xo Jena

I was shocked! Oh my! Now I actually have to go. I emailed my dear friend Miranda and she graciously said she'll put me up in her apartment in Brooklyn and has been sending me really helpful emails about where to park, eat, and how to get from one place to another. I'm so excited! I just printed out directions here at work and I am heading out tomorrow at noon. The girls were bereft and sobbing when I told them, but they cheered up when Rob said they could eat candy and watch bad TV.

Here's the link to Pleasure Camp NYC.
and one she did at Omega
I'll tell you how it goes!


  1. Absolutely cannot wait to hear all about it, I hope it was as pleasurable as it sounds!

  2. I'm also eagerly awaiting an update! Sounds wonderful!
