Saturday, December 12, 2009

Harvard's Peabody Natural History Museum

The girls and I met my mother and sister at the PeabodyNatural History museum at Harvard University. It was amazing. We only had two hours so we sped through lots of it. Georgia got a bit freaked out in The Hall of Mammals; surrounded by dead animals, frozen behind Plexiglas walls, she started to jump at each turn and I had to hold her.

The rest of us loved it, although I did start to feel a bit sad for all the deceased animals stuck in a snarl or gaze for eternity.

The crystals and rocks were enormous and everyone but Georgia was transfixed by the size of the specimens. After looking in every case and only seeing rocks, Georgia gave an exasperated yell/whine. "It's oooonly rocks and rocks are so booorring!"

Lily has been studying rocks in school so she was thrilled to see everything she's read and learned about rocks in a new grand setting.