It’s already afternoon! I slept until
I used to do that alot. Sleeping in is a deep and satisfying pleasure that my current family situation does not allow. It felt healing and wonderful.
I got up (after 12 hours in bed! Incredible!) peed a very large amount, took a shower, made my lunch (a hamburger and broccoli in the kitchen, thank goodness they have a fan on their stove so everyone didn’t have to smell me cooking my grass-fed beef. I would hate to gross out some vegetarian. When I was packing up at home, I just grabbed what we had in the fridge. Rob and I are still doing the primal blueprint diet and I didn’t want to fall off the wagon and eat a pizza or calzone from the pizza place down the block here.)
I called the family and said goodnight.
I took a walk in the quiet little town. I know my way around because Rob and I used to dog-sit for a friend of a friend here 15 years ago. I brought my camera and a ten dollar bill to buy chocolate or seltzer but everywhere was closed. I made it all the way back and realized I had dropped my ten-spot so I had to re-trace my steps and go back to the farthest point of my walk. I found the bill lying on the ground in the dark and was very pleased. Then I snacked in the large quiet kitchen and went to bed.
I lolled around in bed reading what I felt like reading, time just passed and I didn’t mind. In usual life I am always rushing, looking at the clock, reading for just 20 minutes in bed before I need to turn in so I’m not tired the next day. It felt so indulgent to just read for a bit and then read something else. I always pack tons of books and never have time to read them, well last night I read:
Telling Lies for Fun and Profit by Lawrence Block – (so funny and helpful. I laughed out loud a few times)
Goddesses and Angels by Doreen Virtue (I finally finished it)
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle (Such different and interesting language to what I had just been reading)
Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Brave by Marianna Mayer illustrated by KY Craft (one of my favorite children’s book. The illustrations are so marvelous; I love to stare at each page and find the tiny details. I first heard the story told by Clarissa Pinkola Estes on a tape from the library and it has really stayed with me.)
Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes (Rob gave this to me for Christmas last year even though his idiot friend at work said, “Oh be careful! Every girl I know who read that went crazy and became a lesbian” Rob works with some real winners. The book is so powerful it almost burns in your hands. Her language is so intelligent and soulful at the same time. I can only take in so much at a time it is so profound and transforming. You can almost hear its muffled singing as it sits in the pile by the bed. Magical.)
and The Body in Action by Sarah Key (My back was starting to hurt.) The nurse from the girl's pedi office recommended this book when I told her about my back. She is older than me and very fit and lively. She said this book helped her heal her back. It gives stretches and exercises for strengthen the back or whatever joint you’ve injured.
Then I went to sleep, thinking of my sleeping family.
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