Friday, March 5, 2010

Wisdom in Cycles

I pulled this card from the Goddess Oracle when I asked for some wisdom.

(All contents © Kris Waldherr 2008. All rights reserved.

Kris Waldherr, the artist who makes these cards said I could put them on my blog as long as I included this link to her facebook page:; )

It can be difficult for me to take time to listen and be quiet, but after meeting with Noelle I have been trying to meditate again. Now when I get that spacey feeling I try to feel my feet or ground myself but I also just try to go with the flow and carry on. Maybe I just have to adjust to different energy frequencies at different times. I'll see what happens as I keep meditating.

Then I listened to this wonderful 4 cd set I got from the library. It has these amazing funny lectures and I highly recommend it to anyo ne. I laughed alot the week I listened to Louise Hay, Susan Jeffers, Christiane Northrup and Carolyn Myss all at some lecture 12 years ago.

They were all great but some of the stuff that Christiane said really struck me. I transcribed it and am going to put it in here so I remember it.

It made me think of the very real and beautiful magic that is our bodies and our cycles.

"I don't care if you've never had a baby. I don't care if you're a man. Birth is the way that life comes into form on earth. Physical birth, the way it is done through a woman's body is a metaphor (and it's also the real thing) for all of creation. Conception, gestation, labor and delivery, miscarriage, abortion, stillborns. You name it, we've all got 'em. I want you to start thinking of the things you're gestating, the things that you're giving birth to, hopefully your self is the main thing."

Then she goes on to talk about the menstrual cycle.

"From the time you have your period (most women, when they lived in the dark of the land started it with the dark of the moon) we go into a cycle of outward inspiration as the egg develops. We have a little more estrogen and our culture loves us in the follicular phase of the cycle, day 5 until ovulation-you want to get out into the world! You want to do stuff.

Then at ovulation the FSh/LH peak and you're maximally open to cross pollination from any source. So, waitresses get the most tips, men describe the women in their lives as 'electric'. The cervical fluid becomes a super highway for sperm. That's what happens on the physical level.

On the emotional level you're open. Libido is often peaking.

Then if you don't get pregnant you enter this inner cycle of reflection, this cycle reflects the seasons in this part the nutrients move underground- you can't see them but there's intense activity as the uterus cleans itself out and prepares for a new cycle of growth just like the planet does- remember we're just like the planet.

In here you must respect the fact that we'll be naturally more apt to cry at those things that have the most meaning for you and if you're not taking time for yourself or you feel like you have to ask permission to slow down then that will be the degree of your rage or anger.

This is when the tide is out and everything at the bottom that you don't want to see will hit you between the eyeballs.
Everything that isn't working in your life will magnify premenstrually. Does that mean you're Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde? Maybe.
But what it mostly means is you have been ignoring you're wisdom, so it has to come and kick you in the pants premenstrually and that's PMS"

I loved hearing about the cycles and the way our inner monthly cycle changes how we interact with the world. It made me want to use the information and make my life more accepting and supportive of my own cycle.

A quote she read about self-care also stayed with me.
It was from Audre Lord the poet who lived for 8 years after she was diagnosed with breast cancer metastasized to her liver. She said:

"I had to examine in my dreams as well as in my immune-function tests, the devastating effects of over-extension. Overextending myself is not stretching myself. I had to accept how difficult it is to monitor the difference. Caring for myself is not self indulgence, it is self preservation and that is an act of political warfare."

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