Sunday, May 31, 2009
I replied, "Oh, If I could dress the way I wanted to; it would be crazy."
Susan looked me right in the eye and said, "You can Katherine. You can."
It hit me that she was right!
I ordered some socks and pants from Little Miss Matched
I love them.
And I love my new shoes with spirals on the side.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Rainy days
Instead of cleaning the kitchen I am sitting here at the computer.
I liked my horoscope this week.
See link for yours:
Sagittarius Horoscope for week of May 28, 2009
"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing," said Indian philosopher Nisargadatta Maharaj. "Love is knowing I am everything. And between the two my life moves." According to my calculations, Sagittarius, you'll be more on the "knowing you are everything" side of the polarity for the next few weeks. That's because a flood is imminent. I expect you'll be on the receiving end of a massive outreach from the universe -- an influx of invitations, inquiries, and offers to make connection. You should also be prepared for the dizzying pleasure that comes from seeing how profoundly interlinked and interdependent you are.
Anyway, three years ago I wrote a book about becoming a labor and delivery nurse and I haven't found a publisher, yet. Now I am excited because there is a new series on Showtime with Edi Falco playing a nurse and another show, HawthoRNe, with Jada Pinkett Smith portraying a charge nurse. Both of these shows focus primarily on the nurses. Hooray!
Here's an article about the shows from a pro-nursing organization that tries to change the false portrayal of nurses in the media.
Usually I can't watch medical shows because of the totally absurd depiction of doctors and nurses. In my reality, nurses do most of the hands-on actual patient care in the hospital and most doctors would agree. They are not the ones who shave the patient's head the night before surgery like McDreamy did on Grey's Anatomy. (during the 10 minutes of viewing that I could tolerate before loudly protesting!) Anyway I'm excited that nurses are coming into the scene and I'm feeling positive that maybe there will be more interest in a nurse memoir written by yours truly!
Now I've got to revise my query letter and get on it!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Marie Howe poem
Column 218BY TED KOOSER, U.S. POET LAUREATE, 2004-2006
Here is one of my favorite mother-daughter poems, by Marie Howe, who lives in New York City and who has a charming little girl.
you walk ahead of me. You be the mother.
And, Hurry up, she says, over her shoulder, looking
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Flower Fritters
Spring makes it hard for me to ignore my deep craving and affinity for plants and birds. I feel such a grounded and solid joy when I am out surrounded by plants, birds flitting or soaring by. Today there were two Great Blue Herons on the road to the dump; with enormous wings they floated above the ponds. I felt peace and resisted the urge to try to snap a substandard photo. Flowers are easier at this point.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
We went to see Barb's puppies today. For a week I have been using the visit to make the girls behave. "Well, if you want to meet those puppies, you'd better stop fighting.." and it has worked beautifully. Six 5 week old chubby sweet English Mastiffs; they were big and mellow and adorable. We finally left after Lily rounded them all up and Georgia was not happy.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Here at work
Friday, May 22, 2009
Rob's 41st Birthday!
First to Burdicks, the beautiful upscale restaurant/chocolate shop in Walpole NH (@45 min from home)
We each got a fruit tart with gorgeous plump blueberries, raspberries and blackberries covered with a sprinkling of powdered sugar. The girls only ate the fruit, leaving behind the tasty shell, and then went trolling for more fruit, stealing from Rob's and mi
(That's why Rob looks so nervous letting his guard down for a photo!)
I got a hot chocolate and and then a chocolate espresso frappe to go.
I have to make a quick aside to myself for next time. Excuse me for a moment.
(Next time, sweetie, how about you don't order the large hot chocolate? Let me remind you, it will mean a day of nausea and pain. Your digestive system is not meant to drink a glorious cup of hot cream and thick chocolate. You will feel like you need an airplane sick bag before you even get to the car. The rest of the jam-packed day will be spent with you trying to lie down on any surface you can and cover your eyes. Don't order it! Rob will try to remind you! You will think he is conservative and boring. Heed his word! The first sip will be glorious tasty comfort and you will feel smug, but you will soon be suffering. Also, you do not have to try every sample in the shop, delectable as they may look, fragmented and tiny in small decorative bowls. Don't do it. There is plenty of chocolate in the world for you, no need to hoard in this oasis of chocolate scented loveliness. Just get the $2 demi tasse of hot chocolate and walk away. Breathe deeply, enjoy the thick white paper towels and fresh flowers in the bathroom. Don't ruin the day with a blood sugar nightmare.)
OK back to the road trip.
Then I had to eat lunch or I was going to puke so we took a break from the museum and went to Lou's in White River Junction. Very satisfying chicken gyro had by me with a coke to settle my stomach from the previously mentioned error in consumption.
Then back to Montshire for the outside water play. It was hot and we didn't know to bring bathing suits for the girls but they got wet and had fun.
The ride home was an almost-nightmare filled with heat and whining but we made it home and got the kids to bed.
The toads were singing in their ethereal chorus again and again in the swampy side-yard. I wanted to gather the children and sleep out, but we resisted because we were too tired to get the tent out and wanted a good night sleep.
Lily came in at 4am crying. When I sat up and asked, "What's the matter!?" she sobbed,
"Leaf Cutter Antssss" which were one of the exhibits at the museum. You never know what's going to spark the nightmare. She went back to bed OK, though.
Happy Birthday to Rob!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The newly painted mudroom!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Violin Lessons
Here we are at violin lessons this Monday. Lissa Schneckenburger is our wonderful teacher.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Summer is coming!
These two are very fond of each other. Azalea puts up with hugs, leash pulls and food take-aways from Georgia that would have her glaring at me. When Azalea finally gets sick of playing she pushes her head into Georgia with a steady slow wipe and Georgia hugs her, humming away, "Oh my little baby, good girl."
Here they are sitting at the stream side. Azalea's most favorite thing has always been to play in moving streams of water. She used to prance around and pick up rocks from the stream and place them methodically on the stream bed. Now at fourteen ("a hundred in dog years" exclaims Lily) she is tottery and just stands in the stream drinking and eating grass along the edge.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Happy Belated Mother's Day
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Scarlet Ibis
A Scarlet Ibis from the Central park zoo.
I think it looks like a heart.
Heres' a link to kris Waldherr's Sacred World Oracle.
You can ask a question and click on her lovely cards. It gives me something to do when I feel stuck.
Today we stained the deck and picnic table and all the while a Baltimore Oriole sang from the trees above.
So orange! I didn't even try to get a photo.
It's nice to be home!
The lilacs are blooming and the world is swimming with their scent.
This evening as I was dumping the compost at the bottom of the yard, I heard a Veery calling from the woods.
What an amazing sound; a thrush with a wonderful complicated song.
click here for a listen:
Saturday, May 9, 2009
NYC day 2
Union Square farmer's market was lovely with generous bunches of flowers.
Then the subway to chinatown
We took the 6 train but 456 is the number that has been after me the last few days so I had to take a photo. We'll see what it means when I get home.
The great Columbus Playground in Chinatown amused us for hours.
We ate a pound of cherries and shared our first rambutan.
Dim Sum A Go Go was our stop for lunch. Lily and Georgia mostly poured sugar into their tea, then stirred it loudly, spilling it as they slurped, then poured shakily from the hot teapot again. Rob and I tried to eat slippery dumplings with our chopsticks while the strangers sharing our table ate chicken feet.
Friday, May 8, 2009
First NYC trip with kids!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Fox Sighting and Hickory Exploding
I can't even see her! She was rusty orange with black around her muzzle.