Saturday, August 18, 2012

The season turns

Well hello there, season change!
Suddenly, there is golden light and a tinge of chill in the air.

The purple loosestrife are blooming everywhere.  My father and sister always lamented their arrival, calling them "end of summer" flowers.  Like sparklers burning away until, finally, the flower was spent and fall had arrived.

 I always think I will resist fall; that I won't be ready, but then (so far) I am suddenly ready for the cool nights.

Gathering the last cherry tomatoes before they're cut down because of blight.  They are insanely red and juicy.

Ahhh.  Picking flowers.  I think I'll be quick, come in rushing, but then I really can't help but slow down and savor the beauty.  There is an amazing amount of gorgeousness.  Picking flowers.  In a farm field.  As the sun sets.  Really?

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