Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter begins with violins

Today is the first day of winter and I picked up my rental violin. The violins were laid out on the table looking like a gathering of strange wooden horseshoe crabs. Some in protective velvet cases and some laid out naked on the velvet cloth. I finally picked one out. Lily, my 6 year old was getting very antsy, sidling up to me and loudly whipsering, "I'm bored." as the kindly violin man talked about tone and strings for almost 2 hours. I picked a speckled lovely instrument, partly for the tone and the strings, but mostly for the spotted color on the instrument and the bridge. It looks like it was made from a tree, which it was.

It's case is lined with blue velvet and the bow and rosin settle neatly into their places. We came home and tried a practice session together, me and my six year old (she has been playing for over a year). I had imagined it as bonding and lovely, but it was loud and confused; partly because Georgia, my newly 3 year old, demanded in a puzzled tone, "Where's mine? Where's my vilin?' over and over until I convinced her to grab another instrument and she grabbed a tin whistle and squeaked the whole session to a halt.
I am trying to begin both this blog and my new violin career today and I am a little nervous both will fizzle out. I am busy and tired most of the time, but I want to write more and I want to play an instrument so I'm going to try.
Rob helped me set up this blog last night and rented me my violin for my Christmas present. I told him I was scared I wouldn't follow through and he said, "I think you will, if it's important to you."
I just finished On Writing by Steven King and I loved it. His words, "The scariest moment is always just before you start." calmed me tonight and got me to sit down.
I have much to write; what it means to me to be a crow lady and how all the pieces will come together.

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