Monday, December 29, 2008

Fessing up

So the real reason I started this blog was to document the process of becoming crow lady, which is the name I've given to my wizard/witchy magical self. The almost two months of meditation I have done helped me see that I am scared and embarrassed both to be "new agey" and mockable as well as a weak wizard with limping powers. But when I meditate and actually imagine the life I am meant to live, I am not frightened of these silly things. I am a powerful whole person who is following subtle and simple divine guidance.

Here's a song I love from the movie Junebug, even though I didn't like the movie and I'm not Christian.
Watching the movie I was drawn to the singing, but now I realize that it also speaks to the gentle "smoke signals" that Martha Beck refers to when describing the way "The Force," "Universal Power" or "The Goddess" whatever one calls The Divine Energies (Jesus, in this song), how it calls stubbornly and persistently to us to enter the quiet, instead of exisiting in the shrill cacophony of noise that is our panicky culture.

I want to follow those smoke signals and see where they take me.

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