Friday, April 23, 2010

Dump Adventure

Some Coltsfoot blooming by the dump. It likes disturbed areas by the side of the road and it's one of the first flowers to bloom in the spring. It looks like a dandelion but it's got these sweet little leaves that come up later than the bloom. They supposedly look like a colt's hoofprint. It is good for coughs and you can actually smoke it. I tried rolling it up and smoking it at a young woman because it's recommended if you are trying to quit smoking but it was hideous and unsatisfying, but I still like seeing the plant in the spring.

An odd find in the dark forest that is actually (really) named Satan's Kingdom really.
We stopped the car and I got scared the battery might die and we'd be stuck there (The battery had already died once last week after I let the girls listen to music in the parked car at home) But I kept it running and we got out of there. Lily felt like it was magical and there were lots of trees like this that looked like fairies or gnomes lived there.

The great find that we were searching for on our post-dump adventure. A great Blue Heron's nest in the marshy swamps. She flew away when we stopped , but I love to imagine her big white eggs and her damp stick legs sitting on them. We'll head back next week and check on the family again. There were two on the nest when we first pulled up. There wingspan is so huge and their flight is slow and strong.

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