I had to work on Friday so Rob took a personal day and hung out with me and Georgia while Lily was in school. Here I got some documentation of their goofy interactions. Georgia has favored me forever, but recently when I picked her up at school she whined, "Oh I wish it was Papa!" Rob really enjoys kids once they get to be about 4 years old. Then they can talk and hold up to his wrestling and loud music. Of course he also loves them when they're babies, but now they like to sit and talk with him while they do projects.
The other day I was telling someone when I worked (3pm-12am) three evenings a week and she exclaimed,
"Oh that must be so hard! You don't put your kids to bed so many nights a week!" I agreed that it was but then I happened to be with a couple of other nurses who raised their kids on evenings and who said,
"Yeah, but half the time you're at work they're asleep and all that together time really forces the dad to be independent and build his own relationship with the kids, which, in the long run, is only good."
I'm not as sure as they seemed and I would love to be home. But, I am grateful that Rob is as close to the girls as he is.
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