Monday, October 14, 2013

Inanna's Crown class

Another amazing Class with Jennifer Posada.  Innana's journey down into the underworld and back.

Innana’s Crown: Journey Through the Seven Gates

A 7-Session Course by Telephone Conference
inanna's crownOnce upon a time there was a Goddess, a Girl, who was known as the Queen of Heaven…  She was called Innana in Sumer, Ishtar in Babylon, and often merged with Isis in Egypt.  She loved to sit beneath the apple tree and revel in her “wondrous vulva”, she carried all the powers of the universe within her, and she bravely ventured to the underworld, the place where none had yet returned from…she set her sights on finding the greatest wholeness ever known… 
This is a wholeness we, following in her footsteps and at the same time newly creating our own path, can also find.  Hers is a royalty we can also know in ourselves…we too can attain our Queen’s throne and crown.  And we too can do it by walking from the bright light of day down into the darkest essence of creation and truth…
When Innana visited the underworld, she had to enter through seven gates, removing one article of clothing or adornment until she was completely naked.  This, too, is how we can return to the original state of our purity and power, our original soul design.  We will walk, in this course, with Innana…fully disrobing and moving through the death of the false self and into the rebirth into all that we truly are.  We too will then walk in the pure lightness that only comes from having faced the magical darkness, and therefore from containing its beauty forever in our hearts.
We will also discuss the power of Innana’s sexual mysteries and teachings, her secrets of embodiment and love of her wondrous breasts and vulva, her connection to all that is wild and uninhibited, her connection to the Sacredly Sexual Priestesses and to the very earliest temple rites that tied us to nature when we had begun to lose sight of that golden cord.  She will teach us to walk between the worlds of the old and the new, nature and the cities, the body and the heart, and to break free of every constraint that has held us back from flying free.  For to walk between these worlds and to fly free of these constraints is at the very heart path of the Priestess.  And Girl, Goddess, Priestess, Queen, Innana was and is, just as are you…
In This Course:
* Reclaim the ancient magic of your deep wholeness…and find out how your life can change when lived from that place…
* Shed and clear energies from your heart and body that no longer serve you on your path…
* Walk through the underworld of your true creative and restorative gifts…
* Explore the empowerments of the Seven Gates and discover the meaning of each one’s part in your liberation…
* Integrate your ancient gifts with your current life, and re-embody the Priestess that you are…
* Learn about the special sacredly sexual practices of the mysteries of Inanna and how they help you to access the Sacredly Sexual Priestess within you…
* Identify which submerged gifts are ready to be accessed in your life, and how to fully become the Priestess-Queen of your world, again, now…

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