We're getting two female rats soon! (Girl 3 and 4 above) The girls and Rob have been wanting another animal but I have been resisting because I fear most of the regular care and maintenance will fall to me. I worry it will be another thing I'm neglecting. But we finally all agreed on a pair of rats.
I'm not ready to commit to a new dog. Azalea is too delicate and grumpy to force that upon her. (And really, if I'm going to go to all that trouble and waking up in the night with a puppy, I'd rather have another baby! Rob insists that isn't an equal comparison)
I'm not ready for the chickens that Rob wants. There are too many issues: making the coop, keeping them warm enough, making sure nothing comes and devours them at night, what to do in the winter? make soup or trudge through snow to feed and water them?
Rats seemed doable and appealing, especially after reading this article from Wondertime
After a few rainy weekends of looking stuff up online, the cage has been ordered and things are moving along.
Our online research convinced us we needed to find babies so we discovered the world of rat breeders and their ratteries. So, after many emails and weeks of waiting, we'll drive 50 minutes to pick them up this weekend. The girls (actually all of us) are so excited. Their voices catch when they talk about it. Many passionate conversations are being had about names. (Twinkle and Star were my favorites but they are long abandoned. Serena and Taylor were next but those are the names of actual twin girls in Lily's class and I thought that might be an awkward thing to explain. Last night it was Cakey and Flora.) I'll let you know the final decision when it is made.