I spent the last two years completing her distance learning program in Emotrance, all the while hoping I could someday attend the annual conference in England, but then I got an email saying that Silivia Hartman was coming to the US! She would be doing a four day energy intensive conference for the first time in 10 years! I had previously purchased audios of her conferences and lectures in England and found her a very engaging teacher, although the first time I listened I was shocked by her frank, blunt and very funny manner that includes alot of swearing. (Of course, I fell for her!)
Sure, I wanted to go, but we couldn't afford it, really. But my intuition was going wild. Yes. Yes. Yes.
I tried to stay calm.
We'd see what happened.
That night Rob and I went out for a new moon walk. It was really dark but I wore my new headlamp and we could see the snow sparkle all around us in our little beam of light.
We talked about our days and I told him how the creator of Emotrance was coming and I really wanted to go. It cost $800. More than we have to spend on non necessities. He said, "Maybe you should go." I couldn't believe it. I told him it was near DC and he encouragingly suggested that I could drive. It wouldn't be so bad. I could do it. Oh my god! I can't believe this! I'm going ??!!
My excuses for never following through on my alternative healing dreams throughout my life have always been financial. How would I pay for insurance if I became a homebirth midwife? Can I really pay thousands of dollars to become an herbalist when I don't know anyone who goes to an herbalist? If I become a yoga teacher, would I make any money or would it just be a hobby, a hobby I invested thousands of dollars in?
Always financial. It always cost too much to do what I wanted to do. But it was finally just pissing me off. I wanted to end that trend. Now, with so many examples, it just seemed like just a lame excuse.
Just before we went to Florida was the last day to sign up with discounts and a special gift of DVD training. I asked Rob if he thought I should go ahead and do it. He looked pained but said, "Whatever you think." I signed up shortly after. I used my credit card. I was going to the conference. I was going to be away from home for 5 days! (It would be the longest I've ever left the children other than being hospitalized for sepsis.) I rearranged my work schedule. The next day I asked Rob about child care after school while he was still at work those afternoons while I was away.
He looked stricken. "You did it!?" "I didn't think you'd do it!'
I said, "Yes. Yes I did it."
So I drove 8 hours, through New York City and into Baltimore. I brought everything I might need. That's the benefit of bringing a car, right?
Hello Manhattan!
I was almost there and then got totally stopped in traffic in the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel. I had to pee so badly. I had thought I'd be there at 6pm and have a nice evening, but instead I was stuck in the tunnel at 10pm.
But I finally arrived and everyone at the hotel was so friendly. I had a huge amount of stuff to bring up to my room, but the bell boy helped me do it all in one trip. I brought all my essential oils, my crystals and any book I might feel like reading. I settled into my room with a fridge and a microwave; it was really nice and cozy. There were two big queen beds with fluffy pillows. I took a bath with my oils and happily unpacked in my pjs.
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